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Mawlid Celebration 1446h in Al Amanah College Australia

 Mawlid Celebration 1446h

احتفلت كلية الأمانة الإسلامية في ليفربول نهار الجمعة في السابع والعشرين من أيلول بذكرى ولادة خير البرية النبي العربي محمد بن عبد الله القرشي عليه افضل الصلاة واتم التسليم بحضور الاهالي والاساتذة والطلاب تحت شعار واشوقاه رسول الله.

افتَتحت الاحتفال الطالبة ءاية الفاكي مرحبةً بالحضور الكريم, ثم القى مدير المدرسة الحاج ايمن علوان كلمته مرحبا بالحضور مباركاً بهذه الذكرى العطرة للطلاب واهاليهم.

بعدها تقدم ضيف الجالية الإسلامية المنشد الحاج خالد الاطير مع مشايخ المدرسة بالدخول على قرع طبول النوبة حاملين معهم اثرًا من ءاثار النبي المجتبى صلى الله عليه وسلم الا وهي الشعرة الشريفة.

بعدها تلا الطالب أمان شاه ءايات من الذكر الحكيم تلاه خريج مدرستنا الشيخ محمود علوان محاضرًا عن المناسبة.

ثم وزع الشيخ شادي القاسم الجوائز على الطلاب الفائزين بمسابقة المولد الشريف.

بعدها اُتحف الحضور بسماع الاناشيد النبوية العذبة من الحاج خالد وفرقته الانشادية.

تتقدم كلية الأمانة الإسلامية من الجالية الإسلامية عموما واهالي طلابنا خاصة بأحر التهاني والتبريكات بمناسبة ذكرى مولد الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم راجية من المولى عز وجل أن يعيد علينا هذه الذكرى العطرة بالامن والأمان وحسن الحال

On Friday, 27th of September, Al Amanah College Australia hosted a beautiful Mawlid celebration, bringing together students, staff, and parents to honour the birth of the best of all creation, Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. This blessed occasion, marking the month of the Prophet’s birth, resonates with Muslims around the world who united under the shared slogan for this year: "Oh, How I Long for the Prophet."

The event was graciously hosted by Year 11 SRC student, Aya El Faki, who warmly welcomed Mr. Ayman Alwan to address the attendees. In his speech, Mr. Alwan spoke about the immense blessings of gathering to celebrate and honour the best of all creations, extending congratulations to the school community for participating in this important occasion. He then officially opened the ceremony, setting the tone for a grand entrance led by the internationally renowned chanter Khaled Al Atyar. Accompanying him were the esteemed Sheikhs of the school, carrying the blessed hair of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The school's drumming team added to the momentous atmosphere as they led the entry procession, delighting students and guests alike.

In a special gesture, Mr. Ayman Alwan presented a gift of appreciation to Khaled Al Atyar and his chanting team, recognising their contribution to the event. This was followed by the presentation of a certificate to Mr. Al Atyar for his participation in the Al Amanah College Umrah trip earlier this year.

The official program commenced with a beautiful recitation from the Qur'an by Year 11 student, Amaan Shah. Following this, Sheikh Mahmoud Alwan delivered a captivating religious lesson, offering deep insights into the life of Prophet Muhammad. His words served as a profound reminder of the values of Islam and how celebrating the Prophet’s birth encourages us to embody these principles in our daily lives.

Sheikh Samer Al Shafie then took the stage to announce the winners of the High School Mawlid Poetry Competition, offering his heartfelt congratulations to all those who participated.

One of the highlights of the event was a touching chant about the Prophet performed by Year 5 and 6 students, which was followed by a much-anticipated live performance by Khaled Al Atyar and his chanting band. The crowd enjoyed the chants performed by the world-renowned chanter, creating a truly memorable experience for all.

The celebration concluded with students having the opportunity to seek blessings from the Prophet’s hair, while sweets were distributed to everyone in attendance, leaving them with sweet memories of the day.

Al Amanah College Australia extends its best wishes to all students and families for a joyous Mawlid Mubarak, and may the love and remembrance of our beloved Prophet continue to bring blessings to the entire community.

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